NEION Film Coatings Corp.All-round manufacturer of PSA-films & Coating Technology, NICHIEI SHINKA as "NEION Film Coatings Corporation".

  1. 粘着フィルム・コーティング技術の日榮新化株式会社
  2. NEION Film Coatings Corp.
  3. Products
  4. Consumer goods

Consumer goods

Consumer goods

Consumer goods
Not only keeping on the BtoB business for a long time but also marketing approach of next BtoC area,
NEION expands to develop various products that focus on a safe & comfortable life with our acquired know-how of customization technique on our own.


Product Classification
Descriptive Text
Plaster: SHIKKUI coating on PSA-sheet
PSA-sheet coated with SHIKKUI paint that has functions such as deodorant, antibacterial and antiviral.。